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EA-150 Stainless Steel Rollabout Cart with Side Sleeves

Our stainless-steel grill cart is the perfect accompaniment to your tabletop grill. It offers plenty of shelves for food and more. Make entertaining a breeze.

EA-150 Stainless Steel Rollabout Cart with Side Sleeves

Model EA-150

EA-150 Stainless Steel Rollabout Cart with Side Shelves

The EA-150 Stainless Steel Rollabout Cart with Side Sleeves makes cooking and entertaining simple. While there is plenty of space on the grill, the extra room on the cart is perfect for condiments, tableware, and even additional foods. 

Equip your E-50 grill with our easy-to-maneuver stainless-steel grill cart. You can quickly assemble it, and before you know it, you will have the best preparation station for all the foods you enjoy, from meats and vegetables to fruits and breads. 

Our stainless-steel grill cart is incredibly portable, so you can easily move everything from the backyard to the kitchen in a moment’s notice. You can trust us for versatile grilling solutions.